Sunday 9 January 2011
Stay corrected the next time you speak badly English! Okay, here's how. First, remember the rule of thumb - Communication. The person who is eager to learn the nuances of the language should know that their writing must be grammatically correct.

Several tools are equipped with word processing programs to correct grammar, although since the rules that govern language are different, there are actually some programs that identify grammatical errors. In addition, if the program identifies the error, it can not propose solutions that, you should know about the author's intention. Therefore, it is preferable that the tool of grammar should not be automatic, but manual.

Practice of reading aloud. Remember that the basis of any language is oral. Children learn to speak before learning to read. This makes some people understand and identify errors in the language during his hearing, rather than when they are read. Reading makes agile mind to pick up problems such as misspelled words, typographical errors and misspellings, quickly and effortlessly, that the conscious mind may not notice.

Therefore, it is easy to locate grammatical errors in reading aloud which enables the person to hear what they say. Other than to refine your pronunciation, you will notice that if the outputs of the language by reading a sentence, chances are it was poorly constructed.

What about you? It is important to find the topic because it minimizes mistakes. In general, there is an error in the language when there is no subject-verb agreement in sentence constructed. The verb in the sentence can not be properly combined appropriately reflecting the subject.

It should be noted here that the conjugation of verbs acquired naturally while you pick up the language. Even a child knows that "the rose is red" and "Roses are red.

Which generally leads to problems, however, are situations or sentences where the subject is a little less obvious. Thus, the writer should try to identify the object. Often, the object is described as the "person, thing, idea or a place that does something." Therefore, to locate the object in the sentence, he must determine the first verb that performs the action or who or what is the acquisition of identity.

For example, "The man who owns the house bought a lawn mower. The verb in the sentence is "buy," and the subject performs the action is "the owner".

You must also learn to identify the approach to sentencing. The execution of the sentence is another common problem encountered. It occurs when there are about two or more independent clauses which are linked together without proper punctuation. A complete sentence is also known as an "independent clause.

One of the rules for identifying a run on sentence is the solution if it can be answered by "yes" or "no." For example a sentence like "The bird flew away" may be requested in the form of a question, "Have Oiseau fly?". The answer may be a possible "yes" or "no"


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