Wednesday, 27 April 2011
This is another example "contoh" of news item text. A news item text has a social function to tell the daily news. News item is constructed in the generic structure of NEWSWORTHY EVENT, BACKGROUND EVENT and SOURCE. A news item text can be found at news paper, magazine and other papers. Take a look at the following example "contoh" of news item text.

Student found dead in waterway in Serpong
The body of a high school student was found in a waterway on Jl. Pare in the Bumi Serpong Damai housing estate in Serpong , South Tangerang, on Wednesday.

Serpong Police chief Comr. Hibertus Omposungi identified the student as Taher Achmad, 16, from SMK Bina Kesehatan Cendakia in Tangerang. Omposungi refused to comment on the possible cause of the student’s death.

“We are still looking into the death of the student and will be sending the body to Tangerang General Hospital for an autopsy. Only autopsy results can explain the cause of death,” he said.

Note: "contoh" this news item is take from


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