Thursday, 1 March 2012

Untuk menyatakan tentang hobby dan minat (Hobbies and interesting) dalam Bahasa Inggris kita menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan seperti contoh di bawah ini :

What do you like to do in your spare time ?
I like ….
Watching TV
Spare time
By the way
Do you have a hobby ?
Do you like traveling
I travel a lot
Do you have special interest ?
 I spend my time on ….
What are your hobbies ?
I’m interested in …

Untuk lebih memahami ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut di atas pahamilah percakapan di bawah ini :

You                              : What do like to do in your spare time ?
Joana                           : I like reading books or watching TV

You                              : What do teenagers in the USA do in their spare time ?
Mila                              : Watching TV or sport

You                              : By the way, do you have a hobby ?
Zola                              : Playing basketball

You                              : Do you like traveling ?
Diana                           : Yes I do, I travel a lot

You                              : Do you have a special interest ?
Mila                              : Yes, I;m interested in collecting old money

You                              : What are your hobbies ?
Lidia                             : Traveling and hanging out (nongkrong)

Demikianlah ungkapan dan contoh penggunaan dalam percakapan tentang mengungkapkan Hobi dan Minat (hobbies and interest), semoga bermanfaat!

You can read also about “ Cara mengundang seseorang dalam bahasa inggris” or “Contoh text narrative singkat” orContoh text argumentative” and “Contoh reading text bahasa inggrisThank for yor attention.


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