Wednesday, 18 May 2011
There are some different types of work in call center. In principle, this work can be divided into outgoing and incoming calls, while some positions to deal with both. Outgoing calls means that call customers or sales prospects donations to solicit orders or appointments. Incoming calls means that you are taking calls from customers to answer questions and troubleshooting information. Interview or the position requires many of the same skills and answer such questions.


Prepare for the interview call center, be sure your resume is in order, detailing relevant experience and skills. The employer will be looking for you to enter a total of more than 30 words per minute, have basic computer knowledge, strong communication skills and experience in customer service or sales. Be prepared to answer any discrepancies in your resume, such as if you have gaps in your service. Responses should be brief and the merits.

Outbound Call Expectations

By reading the job description and study what the company does, you should be able to get a better idea of what your work will bring the concerns of the employer. If it is a company that does telemarketing sales of printer consumables, the employer would want to know about his past experience in other telemarketing centers call. It will ask you questions such as how many calls you make per day, which is near the average rate was and how it compared with their peers.

Inbound Call Waiting
For a company that incoming calls service, the employer will ask you questions about previous software and database of customers worked with, how you handle complaints, how long have you done to resolve customer issues and to familiarize with the services the company offers .

The Examples Cited
Before the interview, try to recall specific examples which display skills in resolving incoming calls and / or calling prospects and getting appointments or sales. Do not forget to remember numbers and facts. For example, if for the first time launched a new incoming call position and won the Employee of the month to resolve an average of 20 calls per day, you should be able to cite it as an example, if you ask any questions about their ability to learn new skills, ability to quickly solve their customers' needs and the way in comparison with other workers at the call center.

Gathering Information

Ask friends and former colleagues for interview last such call center. Try to get all the details such as length of call, specific questions were asked if there was testing skills or simply sit down interview.

Use your Imagination

Put yourself in the employer and try to think of some questions that I would like to ask a person you were about to hire. Write these questions on a stack of index cards. After the questions go through one by one and write a clear, concise answer back. Go through the pile of questions several times, asking myself questions and trying to answer without looking back. Once you have answered written questions read to make sure you covered the main points that need to.


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